Well, I haven't posted anything on here in quite some time and I think it's about time that I changed that.
To be honest nothing
REALLY exciting has happened since my last post, but i have done a few things and I suppose they are worth writing about.
For starters last tuesday was pretty funny, I went out and had a laugh with some old friends and some new ones too. I splashed out on a taxi to East Carlton, we trecked all the way back to Paige's (5 friggin' miles), we played Twister in her back garden (how epic), we stopped off at BP on the way back as we were all dying of thirst and hunger, and despite the fact that I ate some berries and an apple that I found in the hedgerows along the side of the road, I am still breathing.
The next day I was woken up at 1pm to the soothing sound of an angrily vibrating phone, I was told that instead of 6pm, I was going to be picked up at 2pm instead. Great. I did manage to get ready in time though, bathed and everything.
Then it was off on the road, first we stopped at BP and I got a "meal deal" (BP food is actually delicious when it's the only thing you've eaten all day), then it was 3 hours (plus) in the car with the most uncomfortable seats imaginable, with Josie (the sat-nav) and Radio 1 competing for my attention.
By the time we got to Heckmondwike my back was killing me and I was hungry again, so we had oven chips and spicy chicken breast things. (omnomnom)
The next day after a really good night's sleep, we were off to Selby to see my cousins, it was really good seeing them, I don't see that side of my family very often as they all live really far away, Yorkshire and Ireland are not easily accesible when your a 15 year old from the Midlands. We were staying the night anyway so my Mum and my Aunty decided to "celebrate" my Mum's new job by getting hammered, it was quite funny at first but after a while it just became irritating.
(note to self: next time take xbox controllers)
I guess I'm going to miss the quiet more than anything, and the comfortable spare bed.